Debora Spini (Confronti Study Center) The day after March 8 marks an important anniversary in Italy: two years from the moment in…
interview with Stefano Allievi. Sociologist, Professor of Sociology at the University of Padua) by Claudio Paravati. Director of Confronti We Will Return…
by Francesca Bellino. Journalist and Writer Closures and bans caused by the COVID-19 emergency are preventing the departures of many Muslim migrants…
by Teresa Isenburg. Professor of Economic and Political Geography at the University of Milan Brazil is experiencing days and weeks of extreme…
by Luigi Sandri. Confronti Editorial Staff The Ecumenical Council, the Churches of the Holy City, the current Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Pizzaballa—and…
Journey to the Land of Abraham. In Search of Peace After Many Wars
by Luigi Sandri. Confronti Editorial Staff On his pilgrimage to a country destroyed by decades of wars and violence, Francis tried to…
by Michele Lipori. Confronti Editorial Staff In Iraq there is a constellation of churches, each of them daughters and heirs of a…
Not Even a Whole Century of Peace: The Testimony of Rayan Atto, a Chaldean Priest
by Rayan Atto. Parish priest of the Chaldean community of Gothenburg (Interview by Luca Attanasio) “In the land of Abraham we have…
Refugees crisis in Bosnia. The commitment of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy
by Confronti Editorial Staff The context Bosnia has for some years been an important nexus of the Balkan route, 65,000 people having…
by Michele Lipori. Confronti Editorial Staff In a report released last December, UNHCR notes that, at the beginning of 2020, forced migrants…